Kiran's brought in a rock-infused number this week. Vinyl. Album. Cover. Art: The Complete Hipgnosis Catalogue is exactly what the title suggests: a full feature of design collective Hipgnosis, showcasing groundbreaking cover art created for iconic rock 'n' roll giants including Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, and Pink Floyd to name a few.
95bFM's Loose Reads
95bFM's Loose Reads: Educated by Tara Westover /
This morning Jenna reviewed the riveting memoir, Educated. Westover grew up in a radical survivalist Morman family in rural Idaho. She didn't attend high school, but studied on her own to gain University entrance. Listen to what else happens here and why you should read it!
95bFM's Loose Reads: Sodden Downstream by Brannavan Gnanalingam /
Kiran reviewed one of the 2018 Ockham shortlisted titles, Sodden Downstream on 95bFM this morning. A story about marginalised voices, refugees, class & zero hour contracts. You can listen here:
95bFM's Loose Reads: Penguin Mini Modern Classics /
Ian speaks with Mikey in his last book review before he ditched Time Out for the mean streets of Dublin. Penguin's new series of Mini Modern Classics is packed full of incredible titles for only $3 each.
95bFM's Loose Reads: Frankenstein in Baghdad by Ahmed Saadawi /
Suri spoke with Jogai about the recently translated Frankenstein in Baghdad, which was the International Prize for Arabic fiction winner in 2014.
This is also our first Time Out Lit Reads Book Club title! You can read more information about the Lit Reads book club here and buy tickets here.
95bFM's Loose Reads: Down with Childhood by Paul Rekret /
Jenna chatted to Mikey about Down with Childhood, a slim book on a rather specific topic: children's voices in pop music.
95bFM's Loose Reads: Talking to my Daughter about the Economy by Yanis Varoufakis /
Ian chats to Mikey Havoc about daughters! and the economy!
You can buy it here & you can listen here:
95bFM's Loose Reads: Things to do when you're Goth in the Country by Chavisa Woods /
Jenna reviewed one of the best short story collections today on bFM's Loose Reads. Things to do when you're Goth in the Country is a collection eight short stories - American small town grime full of imagination, politics & black humour. Jenna's highlights are Zombie and A New Mohawk.
95bFM's Loose Reads: What Does This Button Do? by Bruce Dickinson /
A Rock N Roll memoir unlike any other. Listen to Ian, Mikey, and Sarah discuss the various talents of Bruce Dickinson. Although he's most well known as the lead singer of English metal icons, Iron Maiden, he's also a world class fencer, airplane pilot, and even novelist. What can't this man do?
95bFM's Loose Reads: Light the Dark by Joe Fassler /
It's a new year and a time where people often set both creative and reading goals. Listen to Jenna, Mikey & Sarah crack into 2018 with Light the Dark, a collection of essays where contemporary authors tell us what inspires them - perhaps this will inspire you too!
95bFM's Loose Reads: Winter by Ali Smith /
95bFM's Loose Reads: Meet Me in the Bathroom by Lizzy Goodman /
Jenna's been living in a printed word flurry of late, but she's still had time to bring us in Meet Me in the Bathroom, Lizzy Goodman's oral history of the 2000s NYC indie music scene. A hefty tome covering The Strokes to Yeah Yeah Yeahs, LCD Soundsystem to Interpol, Goodman captures a very particular scene from the mouths of the very particular characters that made it happen. But do you have to be a fan? Or does the book stand on its own?
bFM Loose Reads: The Traitor and the Theif by Gareth Ward /
It's school holiday time! To celebrate, we had Eli review The Traitor and the Thief by Gareth Ward on 95bFM's Loose Reads. Listen to Eli and Mikey chat books by clicking on the image.
bFM Loose Reads: Riot Days by Maria Alyokhina /
Jenna & Mikey chatted about this powerful memoir by one of Pussy Riot's founding memoirs. You can listen to the review by clicking on the image below.