The first in the Key to All Mythologies trilogy, Franzen’s latest novel Crossroads is an epic family saga set in 1970s Illinois.
Following ageing Patriarch Pastor Russ, his wife and his three brilliant and enigmatic children, Crossroads explores the psychological impacts of a country on the cusp of change.
Our first Lit Reads for 2022 will be Monday 21st February. Please send through an RSVP to books@timeout.co.nz. Due to current case numbers and to ensure staff and customer safety, we will be doing an online book club. We will resume in-person book club when we are at the green light setting. You can join us on the night here: https://meet.google.com/bsa-jtsh-ajw?authuser=0https://meet.google.com/bsa-jtsh-ajw?authuser=0