NZ BOOKSHOP DAY: Contest winners & photo album / by Time Out Bookstore

NZ Bookshop Day for 2017 is DONE & DUSTED. Thank you all for coming to support us during our Howl-O-Ween celebrations.

Our first kids winner is 7 year old Olive Turley for her amazing review of the Hilda series by Luke Pearson. Olive has won a bespoke book subscription for 2018.

Next up is Jade Tupa'i for her beautiful review of Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, which made us want to read this classic all over again. Jade has won a year's subscription to Toitoi: A Journal for Young Writers and Artists. Thank you for the donation, Toitoi!

Our adults winner is Kath O'Sullivan! 
Kath is "91, going for 100," and wrote a review of our beautiful, illustrated edition of The Hobbit. Kath has also won a bespoke subscription.

We couldn't look past Merinika Ryder's glorious review of Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. We've put together a special prize for you too, Merinika!

Tom, from the Lamont family, dressed as a Gryffindor wizard and it fulfilled all of our dog costume dreams. He will receive a wonderful WOLFY pack from our friends at Gecko Press.
Thank you to all who bought their dogs in, we loved it, as we always do and we hope they enjoyed their Purina Dentalife treats.

Until next year, whānau!