National Poetry Day: All Tomorrow's Poets / by Time Out Bookstore

This year, we held smaller All Tomorrow's Poets than usual, highlighting five female poets that we love. 


Makanaka Tuwe read three pieces from her new book, Questionable Intimacy. An exploration of self discovery, self love and Black Girl Magic, her reading was deeply personal and intimate. Questionable Intimacy went home with many of our guests, and is available to order through our website.


Divyaa Kumar lead us through a workshop in writing our own poetry. We transformed the word 'Joy' into a prismatic sensory experience-- recalling freshly shaved legs, whispered giggles and an effervescent glass of Pimm's.


Carrie Rudzinski and Olivia Hall joined us through the atmospheric power of the 'iPhone in a Glass' sound system. Their piece Love Like a Girl celebrated fierce sisterly love and garnered hearty recognition from the crowd. 


Evangeline Riddiford-Graham shared poems from her series Planet Cleopatra. Born from an obsession with Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, she presented a deft weaving of tabloid romance, Millionaire's Salad and the symmetry of Ngāuruahoe into a moving and relatable depiction of an enduring, if poisonous, on-again/off-again.